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Orthopaedic rehabilitation

The team at the Boraita - Rayter physiotherapy practice is specialized in the management of simple and complex orthopedic rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can be carried out both pre - and post -operation, in the office or at home. The objective of the rehabilitation is gaining in  autonomy to allow you to return to your activities as quickly as possible.


Trauma rehabilitation

​​The aim of trauma rehabilitation is to treat injuries of the musculoskeletal system which generally occur following a fall, an accident, or a surgical operation. You will find here below a non-exhaustive list of traumas treated at the Boraita-Rayter physiotherapy practice: 


- Trauma to the scapular region

- Trauma to the brachial region

- Elbow trauma

- Forearm trauma

- Wrist and hand trauma

- Nervous trauma of the upper limb

- Trauma to the pelvis and hip

- Thigh trauma

- Knee & leg trauma

- Ankle trauma

- Foot trauma

- Thorax trauma

- Spinal trauma

- Head trauma

Global Postural rehabilitation

This method of rehabilitation considers that the muscles of the body are united and are organized in a chain, in particular those located in its posterior part, and that their usual tendency is in the direction of excess tension and shortening, which has as a result of limiting movements and disrupting the body's statics through adaptations and compensations.

The treatment is essentially carried out through stretching postures which allow relaxation, softening and lengthening of contracted and/or retracted muscle chains, while freeing breathing.


​Global Postural Rehabilitation is mainly used to treat:

​- Muscle stiffness in the back or lower limbs

- Scoliosis

- Kyphoses

- Lumbago

- Torticollis

- Sciatica

Athlétisme de coureur

Sport phystiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy aims to support both professional athletes and sports enthusiasts:

--> Before sports sessions with toning massages, warm-ups and stretches.

--> After sports sessions in order to treat an injury that may have occurred and relaxation​.

Sports physiotherapy takes care of the treatment of some traumas that have occurred following sports practice such as:

- sprains

- tendonitis

- ligament strains

- some fractures

- muscle tears


Manual therapy 'MAITLAND'

The concept of manual therapy according to Maitland is based on the examination, evaluation and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. It involves applying highly specialized treatment strategies, including manual techniques and therapeutic exercises, based on clinical reasoning.

This form of manual therapy is aimed at patients suffering from both chronic and acute pain.


3, Rue du Couvent
Residence Saphir
L-1363 Howald
*Free parking (30 mins) in front of the office


Monday to Friday

7 a.m to 8 p.m​


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